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MHS invites community to be a part of auditorium revitalization

The Highland County Press - Staff Photo - Create Article
The McClain auditorium is pictured in an old yearbook photo from when the auditorium was still quite young. (Greenfield Exempted Village School District photos)
Angela Shepherd, Greenfield Exempted Village Schools

It’s been nearly 40 years since the McClain auditorium has received any major work, but Greenfield’s school district is gearing up for just that, and it will include the ability for the community to leave its mark, too.

According to superintendent Quincey Gray, the last time substantial work was done was in 1986 when the stage was expanded, the orchestra pit was built, the light and sound control booth in the balcony was added, the pipe organ was rebuilt, and new curtains, seats, rails, and carpet were added.

Revitalizing the 109-year-old auditorium initiated with a board member who found an example of a community-sponsored refurbishment project in another district, Gray said. And since it had been so long since the auditorium had been done, the district felt like this was a good way to update this beloved part of the high school and invite the community to be a part of something special.

Gray said the revitalization project will focus on upgrading the sound and lighting systems as well as replacing the seating, carpet, and curtains all in a manner that will honor the building’s history while continuing “to meet the needs and support the experiences” of all those who use the auditorium.

The donation levels are: level one carpet square sponsorship - $50, level two seat sponsor - $250, level three bronze sponsor - $500, level four silver sponsor - $1,000, level five gold  sponsor - $$2,500, and level six platinum sponsor - $5,000.

All levels of sponsorship will recognize the donor with levels two through six also including an invitation to a celebration cabaret following the completion of the project. Seat plates with text will also be part of levels two through six. There will also be a sponsorship wall where donors will be recognized, though the design and placement of that will be determined at a later time.

To see the full listing of sponsorship levels, what is included in each level, and how you can be a part of the McClain auditorium’s revitalization project go to the district website at Click on the menu, and then on “Our District.” Choose “MHS Auditorium Revitalization” from the list. All of the information about each sponsorship level is listed, as well as a printable form for those who would rather mail in their donation.

There are also instructions on how to donate at, which are: once the Linq Connect site, click on “School Services” at the top, right of the page. From there, click on “School Store” and enter Greenfield Exempted Village School District. Once you are in the district store, all of the available sponsorship levels are listed. You can click on each one to see what is included with each sponsorship level.

If you are unable to donate through the site, or would just rather not donate online, checks can be mailed to the school district at 200 N. Fifth St., Greenfield, Ohio 45123, or checks/cash can be dropped off at the central office at that address as well. A printable donation form is available on the district website, as detailed above.

“While its history is rich, time has taken its toll,” Gray said. “We now have a unique opportunity to restore and enhance this iconic space for future generations and we are thrilled for the community to join us in bringing this revitalization to life.”

To follow along with everything going on in the district, including updates on the auditorium revitalization project, go to the district website at and to the district’s social media pages. The central office can be reached by calling (937) 981-2152.

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