Former Milford city manager accused of soliciting minor
The former city manager of Milford in Clermont County has been charged with importuning, Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost and Montgomery County Sheriff Rob Streck announced Monday.
Michael Doss was charged Monday in the Montgomery County Court of Common Pleas with one count of importuning, a fifth-degree felony.
An undercover investigation by the Miami Valley Human Trafficking Task Force revealed that Doss allegedly attempted to purchase sex from an individual he believed was a 15-year-old girl. Additional charges are anticipated in the case.
Doss recently resigned as Milford’s city manager after he was confronted about the allegations.
The Miami Valley Human Trafficking Task Force is formed under the attorney general's Ohio Organized Crime Investigations Commission and is led by the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office. The task force includes resources from the Butler Township Police Department, Oakwood Police and Homeland Security Investigations.
Defendants are presumed innocent unless proved guilty in a court of law.
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