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John Glover Nixon

Lead Summary

HCP columnist

This column was originally to be titled Barack Hussein Nixon, but all that changed on Thursday morning.

After the White House pulled the stunt of claiming "Executive Privilege" for the reason Eric Holder was not releasing any more "Fast & Furious" memos to Congress, I intended to headline this week's column "Barack Hussein Nixon."

If you read the details, the use of "Executive Privilege" by the White House in this case, if correct, means Eric Holder gave further false testimony to Congress than that of which he has already been accused.

However, all of that falls by the wayside when one digests the Majority Opinion written by Supreme Court Chief Justice John Glover Roberts, Jr. concerning Obamacare.

Rejecting the individual mandate because it is unconstitutional according to the Commerce Clause of the Constitution was correct. But then allowing it to stand as a tax reminds me of the Watergate hearings.

Here I thought Obama (along with Pelosi and Reid) were the only Nixonesque politicians in Washington today.

Our Chief Justice apparently has great admiration for the shenanigans of our 37th president, "Tricky Dick," and has decided to join that rarified group, too. What a ruling.

Will my wallet know the difference if the government extracts yet more money from it because they called it a "tax" rather than the "individual mandate?" I think not.

It is just another in a long line of confiscatory taxes starting with FDR's Social Security, down through LBJ's Medicare to now this.

This ruling validates Mayor Bloomberg's soda ban as well. For if the government is going to control health insurance, then they should be controlling what we drink and eat. In fact, we should demand it.

Everyone should eat the same diet, pronounced correct and proper by the all knowing federal government, so we do not have people with health problems caused by their poor choices.

In fact, the government should seize all restaurants, grocery stores and farmers' markets, and operate them as federal businesses – just to make sure we only eat what they want us to eat (the USDA can add legions of inspectors to approve your garden, too).

Further, to follow this argument, all fetuses should be checked for genetic defects, and those with genetic defects aborted. For if we are all paying for health care, don't we want it to be as inexpensive as possible? Don't we want a "pure race" of people (oops, that sounds like someone from the 1930s in central Europe) so health care costs can be minimized?

And, while we're at it, bring out the death panels, for if the individual mandate is really a tax, Washington might as well stop the charade and confess Obamacare contains death panels, too.

Patrick Henry famously said, "Give me liberty or give me death."

We have elected leaders who have appointed judges who understand the person on the street will easily give up liberty for financial gain. The more the government gives, the more the average person is willing to give up.

Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush thought they defeated communism and socialism. They were wrong.

Despite the failures of communism, despite the failures of socialism, the American people have embraced their lies. We might as well give the keys to the country to Putin or Hollande.

It is a very dark day in America.

Jim Thompson, formerly of Marshall, is a graduate of Hillsboro High School and the University of Cincinnati. He resides in Duluth, Ga., following decades of wandering the world, and is a columnist for The Highland County Press.

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