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Highland man sentenced to prison for marijuana trafficking

Caitlin Forsha, The Highland County Press

A Highland man was sentenced to prison recently after pleading guilty to trafficking in marijuana.

As previously reported, Levi George, 20, was indicted in February by a Highland County grand jury, following an investigation by the Highland County Task Force. He was charged with two counts of trafficking in marijuana, both fourth-degree felonies, and two counts of possession of marijuana, both fifth-degree felonies.

According to court records, George pleaded guilty May 8 to one count of trafficking in marijuana. The remaining charges were dismissed.

For that charge, a bill of particulars alleges that on or about March 17, 2023, a confidential informant working with the Highland County Task Force purchased 224.3 grams — close to half a pound — of marijuana from George at an apartment in Highland.

After accepting George’s guilty plea, Highland County Common Pleas Court Judge Rocky Coss sentenced him to a definite determinate term of nine months in prison. George had no jail time credit.

George was also ordered to pay $975 in restitution to the Highland County Task Force, joint and several with an alleged co-defendant.

The nine-month prison sentence imposed in Highland County is to run consecutive to a two-year prison term from Clermont County Common Pleas Court, for a case involving drug trafficking, carrying a concealed weapon and receiving stolen property, according to court records.

George has been incarcerated in the North Central Correctional Institution since May 4, 2023, according to the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction.

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