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WC’s Quaker-in-Residence to speak on ‘Farming with Integrity, Respect and Awe’

The Highland County Press - Staff Photo - Create Article
Katrina McQuail. (Submitted photo)
Randy Sarvis, Wilmington College

A highlight of organic farm manager Katrina McQuail’s February Quaker-in-Residence program at Wilmington College will be a public lecture on “Farming with Integrity, Respect and Awe” on Feb. 11. A reception at 6 p.m. with refreshments will precede the 7 p.m. program in the McCoy Room of Kelly Center. The events are free of charge.

McQuail of Meeting Place Organic Farm in Ontario will be on campus Feb. 10 through 13, visiting classes and interacting with students and community groups.

She is a graduate of Earlham College, where she studied business and not-for-profit management. After completing her degree, McQuail was employed in the culinary industry, traveled extensively through Central America, worked for government and corporate agencies, and operated a social change not-for-profit in Guelph, Ontario, for four years. In 2014, she returned to the family farm in Ontario.

Besides managing the Meeting Place Organic Farm, McQuail does extensive volunteer work for organizations focused on youth, young adults and the environment. She lives on the farm with her husband, Ben Hustin, a paramedic, and their three young children.

The College’s Quaker-in-Residence program is supported by the College Committee of Wilmington Yearly Meeting as a means for bringing impactful Quakers to campus to reinforce the College’s Quaker heritage and its commitment to hands-on living and learning, according to Bill Kincaid Jr.

“As a lifelong Quaker and organic farmer, Katrina McQuail is the ideal choice for the 2025 Quaker-in-Residence,” Kincaid said, noting agriculture is a “thriving, vital program” at Wilmington College, and McQuail’s residency will be an outstanding opportunity for students and community members to benefit from her experience and knowledge. “During Katrina’s residency, students and the public will be able to discuss organic farming methodology and sustainability with a practicing expert in the field.”

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