Greenfield Elementary fifth-graders raise funds with Art for a Cause
(Photos by art teacher William Roller.)
By Angela Shepherd
In the second annual Art for a Cause, Greenfield Elementary fifth-graders auctioned off paintings – which the students created themselves – on the school’s Facebook page earlier this month.
The final tally for the auction came to $786, which will go to helping a local student battling leukemia.
The fifth-graders are pictured on the steps of Greenfield Elementary on Dec. 11. Also included is a photo of Brooklynn Shapley who is holding a plaque she received for her thoughtfulness as she was the one who initially shared the idea for the event to benefit the middle school student fighting leukemia.
One local business, RoofEx, bid on nearly every piece and ended up purchasing 26 pieces, which are pictured here.