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  • Commissioner responds to Rocky Fork Lake request

    Dear Director Celebrezze:

    Thank you for your consideration on the Rocky Fork Lake request. We are, of course, very disappointed that the request was denied. Highland County now has the second highest unemployment rate in the state and it seems to us we are sent conflicting signals from our state government. One hand tells us to be pro-active in development of jobs for our unemployed. The other hand erects obstacles to reach our goal. The situation is becoming increasingly more difficult to explain to our residents.
  • Why not let voters determine school building's fate?
    To the editor: How about two cents from an old codger? A little late, but as they say, better late than never.
  • Judge outlines budget cuts
    To the editor: (The following is a public correspondence from Highland County Common Pleas Court Judge Rocky Coss to the Highland County Board of Commissioners.)
  • Congress must reject intrusive health care bill
    Dear Editor:
        I read with great interest Gary Lewis’ column about the proposed “Obamacare” health care reform bill in the Sept.12 edition of The Highland County Press.
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