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  • How I spent my summer vacation

    Knowing a long drive south to the Gulf of Mexico was on my evening itinerary, I thought, what the heck, I'll order a nice meal. After placing our respective orders, the lovely waitress at the Saltine Hogshead returned with portions of those respective orders. She then informed us that "We're out of gravy. We're also out of biscuits – and cornbread. Not to mention sweet potato casserole." For an old Ridgerunner like me, there's just something not quite right when you have to choke down mashed potatoes and chicken fried cube steak – sans gravy.
  • Fond memories of Eldon Schraw and Jack Hope
    Hillsboro and Highland County have lost two more icons in the community in recent days. As it is with so many of life's inevitables, these losses are reminders of how precious our own time is, but also how much others have contributed to our respective memories. Maybe some even lended a helping hand to us somewhere along the journey. These men did.
  • When redbuds and dogwoods come together
    For the last half-century, give or take, I've had the southern Ohio pleasure of watching the change of seasons. By the calendar, each year begins with winter's hangover from the previous year. The coldest season soon gives way to spring, which passes the seasonal baton to summer, which, much to my chagrin, seems to surrender far too soon to autumn, which similarly throws up a white flag to winter in late December. And so it goes. Year after year. Season after season.
  • When redbuds and dogwoods come together
    For the last half-century, give or take, I've had the southern Ohio pleasure of watching the change of seasons. By the calendar, each year begins with winter's hangover from the previous year. The coldest season soon gives way to spring, which passes the seasonal baton to summer, which, much to my chagrin, seems to surrender far too soon to autumn, which similarly throws up a white flag to winter in late December. And so it goes. Year after year. Season after season.
  • Rob Manfred got caught looking – and he's still looking; congrats to Coach Chris Veidt
    More years ago than either Coach Veidt or I care to remember, I was a younger newspaperman and covered Whiteoak baseball. My initial recollection of Coach Veidt was this: His teams had discipline, they hustled, and they were coached on the fundamentals of baseball. I liked that.
  • Rob Portman: A Man for All Seasons
    Some of my more conservative friends may disagree – and that's fine. But I'll stand by this: If the U.S. Congress had more Rob Portmans and fewer Nancy D'Alesandro Pelosis (like me, a Baltimoron by birth), it would be an actual functioning body on behalf of the citizens of the United States of America. As it exists today, Congress is a disjointed, disunited, disorderly house. (Inquiring minds may want to look up that last one – lest you miss out on the intended humor.)
  • Clarence Graham, 1931-2020: Remembering a titan in the newspaper profession
    I met Clarence Graham in the summer of 1990 at a bar and restaurant in Washington Court House. Three area newspapers were meeting to discuss a weekly football tab for the now-defunct South Central Ohio League, that included Jim Horne's Hillsboro Indians and Otis Wagner's McClain Tigers. Former publisher Phil Roberts and I rode together from Hillsboro to Court House. Along the way, Phil told me that among all Brown Publishing publishers, he had the greatest respect for Clarence Graham's editorial judgment. As a young sports editor, I simply put that information in my memory bank in case I might need it later on. I did.
  • Clarence Graham, 1931-2020: Remembering a titan in the newspaper profession
    I met Clarence Graham in the summer of 1990 at a bar and restaurant in Washington Court House. Three area newspapers were meeting to discuss a weekly football tab for the now-defunct South Central Ohio League, that included Jim Horne's Hillsboro Indians and Otis Wagner's McClain Tigers. Former publisher Phil Roberts and I rode together from Hillsboro to Court House. Along the way, Phil told me that among all Brown Publishing publishers, he had the greatest respect for Clarence Graham's editorial judgment. As a young sports editor, I simply put that information in my memory bank in case I might need it later on. I did.
  • 'Dr.' Hunter Biden is smarter than 'Dr.' Barack Obama
    Joe Biden (er, JoeBama – pat. pending) recently said that his son, "Dr." Hunter Biden, was the smartest man he knows. Really? It seems that JoeBama needs to get out of his basement more often and meet a few people.
  • God bless Ohio Sheriff Richard K. Jones
    This evening, I asked some of our local law enforcement if their respective departments will be arresting anyone outside their home after 10 p.m. due to the DeWine curfew. My first reply was from Greenfield City Manager Todd Wilkin, who initially said "No." Then added, "I should've been more clear – absolutely not."
  • R.D. Hottle (1948-2020): A great American and patriot
    Godspeed, our friend, Bob Hottle. They just don't come any better.
  • R.D. Hottle (1948-2020): A great American and patriot
    Godspeed, our friend, Bob Hottle. They just don't come any better.
  • Political propaganda and a great history lesson
    Miss Claudia (an Ohio State Fair 4-H champion, by the way) produced, narrated, starred in and submitted a wonderfully humorous video of her take on the Spanish-American War, a war between Spain and the United States in the Caribbean and the Philippines in 1898. She dedicated it to Mr. Sheets. Lord knows, I hope he has a sense of humor. I would encourage our friends and readers to take a break from COVID-19 and watch this humorous history lesson at:
  • A few midwinter roundball rimshots
    The thought occurred to me over the weekend: Does anyone remember the last time an Ohio high school sectional or district basketball tournament was held in Highland County? Do we have to go all the way back to the Class A, AA and AAA high school breakdowns?
  • Godspeed, Ralph Holt – a true public servant
    Ralph Holt was one of the nicest gentlemen to hold public office in Highland County. I'm sure he had to make his share of tough calls and endure the usual criticism, but I'm willing to wager that he did it with the best interests of the community.
  • You've come a long way, Crusaders
    My first visit to the relatively new Ripley-Union-Lewis-Huntington High School was Saturday, Dec. 28. The occasion was to watch the Hillsboro Christian Academy Crusaders play Cincinnati College Preparatory Academy in the Pepsi Classic Holiday Tournament hosted by the high school.
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